
Jabba Juice Hazy IPA – 20L All Grain Kit


Our all grain kits are our own tried and tested recipes for classic and modern beer styles. Included in the kit are all the ingredients needed to make 20L using a standard BIAB (Brew in a Bag) setup such as our BIAB Starter kit, or your prefered equipment such as a Grainfather. You will also need a set of scales for measuring hops.

All our all-grain kits contains a milled grain bill, hops, yeast, and any other items required for the style (such as kettle finings, spices, brewing salts), as well as a recipe card.

Ingredients included:
Pilsner Malt, Rolled Oats, Oat Malt
Citra, Eclipse, Galaxy hops
Verdant IPA yeast

Batch Size: 19L
OG 1.064
6.6% ABV
30 IBU

The Style:  This New England-style hazy IPA will transport you to a galaxy far, far away. The combination of Citra, Eclipse, and Galaxy hop additions bring notes of sweet citrus, peach, and passion fruit that will tickle your palate like the gentle hum of a lightsaber.

May the wort be with you.